Winter Bird Monitoring Program (2020-21)
Birders collected data from 133 locations spread over Mysore- Mandya – Chamarajanagar districts on 10/01/2021.
Recorded 204 bird species including 55 non-residents and in total– 32304 nos.
Totally 19 teams consisting of 70 birders took part covering different routes simultaneously (THREE routes covered on later dates after the single-day count).
Maximum individual species were seen at one location: Bar-headed Goose (1100), Rosy Starling (1000), Glossy Ibis (500), Spot-billed Pelican (468) and Openbill (425) [last two are breeding population in Ranganathittu].
Max number of birds recorded from Karigala (1861), Kabini (1478), Irasavadi (958), Gumballi (914), and Markalu (839).
Max bird species recorded from Route/sector wise: Yelandur - 2 (138), Nanjanagudu (121), Malavalli (117), Yelandur -1 (109), and Melkote (109)
Interesting sightings: Ashy Wood Swallow, Malabar Lark, Eurasian Wryneck, Puff-throated Babbler, Rock Eagle-owl, Yellow-throated Bulbul and Yellow-throated Sparrow.
Regular winter migratory ducks observed in the entire survey over the years is all-time LOW– Garganey (869), Northern Pintail (635) and Northern shoveler (236). An increased population of Eurasian Wigeon (633) has been recorded.
Maximum bird count in the entire survey – Bar-headed Goose (1925), Barn Swallow (1344), Cattle Egret (1220), Rosy Starling (1178), and Lesser Whistling Duck (1074).
The gist of last three years single-day bird census is tabulated below
Participants: Abhi M, Akshatha, Aman Khan M, Anagha S, Ananda, Ananya S, Anjali M, Anupama Pandit, Arun Simha, Bharath RK, Chetan, Dinesh KS, Dinesh KV, Dinesh M, Dr. Fateh Khan, Dr. Gayathri, Giri C, Girija T, Guruprasad P, Gururaj BC, Harsha NR, Jaishankar, Jestashree, Jithesh Surendra, Joshika, Jyotsna V, Kashyap R, Keerthi, Kirana BS, Kushagara, Lavanya, Laxmi Dinesh, Loka Mysore, Madhura Kaushik, Madhushree, Murali DC, Navya R, Nisarga S, Pallavi M, Pavan Ramachandra, Phalguna, Pramod V, Prerana, Raghunath MS, Rahul MS, Ramprasad Aithal, Rama MV, Ramesh R, Ranganath Gowda, Raveesha HN, Renu P, Revath BC, Rohit RS, Sahana M, Sharath A, Sheshgiri BR, Shilpa Hadimani, Shivakumar MN, Shivaprakash A, Shylajesha S, Smitha Suresh, Rishi S, Sukirth S, Syed Muzamil, Syed Ateeq, Tanmayee G, Tanuja DH, Varshith R, Vasundhara N, Vijayalaxmi Rao, Vishak AK, Yogendra HS.
SINGLE-DAY MID-WINTER BIRD CENSUS -10/01/2021: As in the previous years, we will go for a single day bird census on 10/01/2021. Please keep a day free for this season's bird census.
It is not a competition; observe the birds in the field for its proper identification, activity and it will fine-tune our birding skills.
Intimate in advance the route planned (Refer Excel sheet marked), so that other interested birders can join the team or others can take a different route. Try to have minimum TWO MEMBERS for any unknown eventuality. Try to cover mainly 3 or 4 highlighted locations thoroughly, other locations can be covered only if time permits
Scribble on a piece of paper OR enter it in excel OR use ‘e-bird’ before forgotten. Post the link on facebook/ mysorenature or the data filled form/Excel sheet for data compilation.
In case eBird is made use, share with MMCBCG (User name, for easy compilation) and in comments section add 'AWC 2021'.
Share your interest with your friends, especially students from life science and introduce them to field study.
Previous years data can be seen at
Due to copious rain in major dams catchment area, all the irrigation tanks are full and overflowing with least waterbirds…so it’s challenging to find birds!
Don’t forget that we are in COVID-19 CRISIS, take necessary care